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Data Visualization, Volume 1 Recent Trends and Applications Using Conventional and Big Data

Written By Sahay, Amar
2017, Edition 1
Category: Six Sigma
Level: Intermediate

Business Expert Press
United States of America
URL: http://www.businessexpertpress.com

About This Book

Data visualization involves graphical and visual tools used in data analysis and decision making. The emphasis in this book is on recent trends and applications of visualization tools using conventional and big data. These tools are widely used in data visualization and quality improvement to analyze, enhance, and improve the quality of products and services. Data visualization is an easy way to obtain a first look at the data visually. The book provides a collection of visual and graphical tools widely used to gain an insight into the data before applying more complex analysis. The focus is on the key application areas of these tools including business process improvement, business data analysis, health care, finance, manufacturing, engineering, process improvement, and Lean Six Sigma. The key areas of application include data and data analysis concepts, recent trends in data visualization and “Big Data,” widely used charts and graphs and their applications, analysis of the relationships between two or more variables graphically using scatterplots, bubble graphs, matrix plots, etc., data visualization with big data, computer applications and implementation of widely used graphical and visual tools, and computer instructions to create the graphics presented along with the data files.

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